Saphenion®Rostock: Gefäßmedizin in der Kunst – Vascular medicine in the mirror of art

Gefäßmedizin im Spiegel der Kunst – Auch die Gefäßmedizin spiegelte sich in der Kunst wider. Man wird zwar auf Internetsuchmaschinen nicht so recht fündig. Jedoch gibt es einige recht dicke Bücher, die zum Thema Medizin im Spiegel der Kunst umfassend ausführen. Und wenn man sich die Mühe macht, die Gemälde, Zeichnungen, Skulpturen, Bronzestatuen usw. genauer zu analysieren, fallen auch Themen zur Gefäßmedizin ins Auge.
Vascular medicine reflected in art – Vascular medicine was also reflected in art. You won’t find anything on Internet search engines. However, there are some quite thick books that explain medicine extensively in the mirror of art. If you take the trouble to analyze the paintings, drawings, sculptures, bronze statues, etc., you will also notice topics related to vascular medicine.

Saphenion®: Berlin a center for vascular surgery

Saphenion®: Berlin a center for vascular surgery – The beginning: The development of vascular surgery on a scientific basis only began in the last third of the 19th. century. It is true that the Greeks, Romans, and Arabia as well as at the time of the European Renaissance carried out experiments on the „blood-carrying tubes of the human being“ and described some therapeutic procedures for hemostasis and removal of dilated veins.
Berlin surgeons made a major contribution to the formation and development of vascular surgery – particularly to the treatment of varicose veins. At the beginning of the 20th century, the city of Berlin began to develop into a center for the new field of „vascular surgery“.

Saphenion®: Memories of Sauerbruch

And the idea grew in us to do a little historical work on the subject of minimally invasive varicose vein therapy, and so we began with the necessary research in the specialist literature. So we were all the more surprised when we discovered that the idea of ​​gluing wasn’t all that new. And now PD Lahl told – rather casually – that until 1968 he had also worked with glucose solutions. This is exactly what we found in our research and this is exactly what led us back to Ferdinand Sauerbruch. Admittedly, it was more of a coincidence, and admittedly, a very small star in the big sky of surgery, but still very interesting and belonging to the present day.

Saphenion® – 100 months VenaSeal® glue

In August 2012 we started with the VenaSeal® system as the third practice in Germany (after Dr Pröbstle, Mannheim and Dr Ahlm, Hamburg). The reason for this change of therapy was the opening of our second practice location Saphenion® Vein Center Rostock on August 1st, 2012. We wanted to get away from anaesthesia and extensive anaesthesia, so the VenaSeal® – system seemed to us to be a very good alternative, as it does not work with thermal energy. From the beginning, we kept comprehensive statistics on the technique of the method, the successes and failures, side effects and complications, and pain and convalescence. After the ever-greater experience with the new system, this also led to adjustments and therapy extensions.

Saphenion®PatientenInfo: 99 Monate Venenkleber

Nach 18 Jahren Arbeit mit endovenösen Techniken das Resümee: Unsere Erfahrungen mit der endovenösen Therapie und speziell mit dem Venenkleber machen ihn zu unserer Basistherapie bei der Stammvaricosis. Die radikale chirurgische Therapie ist nur noch in seltenen Ausnahmesituationen wirklich notwendig.
After 18 years of working with endovenous techniques, the résumé: Our experience with endovenous therapy and especially with the VenaSeal® glue make it our basic therapy for varicose veins. Radical surgical therapy is only really necessary in rare exceptional situations.

SaphenionScience – VenaSeal® Metaanalyse

Das VenaSeal® – System belegte den ersten Platz bei der Reduzierung des postoperativen Schmerzscores gegenüber dem Ausgangswert (P = 0,690) und war beim Auftreten unerwünschter Ereignisse am niedrigsten (P = 0,650). Die Wahrscheinlichkeit des Auftretens unerwünschter Ereignisse betrug das 3,3 fache im Sklerotherapie-Arm, 2,7 fache im Laser-Arm, 1,6 fach bei Operationen und 1,1fach bei der Radiowellentherapie im Vergleich zum VenaSeal-Systemarm.
Система VenaSeal® является многообещающим терапевтическим методом для достижения анатомического успеха через 6 месяцев, так как у пациентов с хронической венозной недостаточностью (варикозное расширение вен) возникает меньше побочных эффектов (раневая и паховая инфекция, легочная эмболия) по сравнению с другими видами вмешательства в этом исследовании. Дополнительный экономический анализ, включая анализ затрат и выгод, предоставит пациентам, плательщикам и поставщикам интересные перспективы по применению этих результатов в реальных решениях по выбору терапии.
VenaSeal system is a promising therapeutic option for anatomic success at 6 months, with fewer occurrences of adverse events (wound and groin infection, pulmonary embolism) in CVI patients compared with other interventions in this study. Additional economic analysis including cost-effectiveness analysis would provide interesting perspectives on real-world insights to patients, payers, and providers.