Saphenion® – Varicose veins in children/adolescents

The tendency to varicose veins is already innate in over 90% of our patients. So, it is not the defective venous valve that turns the vein into a varicose vein, it is the defective vein wall that leads to the expansion of the cutaneous veins and thus sooner or later to the defective venous valve and thus to the development of the varicose veins. Young people are also affected to some extent. The congenital lack of venous valves, which is also possible, is a very rare exception.

SaphenionScience – Krampfadern: Neue Fachartikel

SaphenionScience – Krampfadern: Neue Fachartikel international: Venenkleber und Kompressionsmassage, Venenkleber und Sauerstoff – Mehrschritt – Therapie, Venenkleber und Allergie

Murat and Clay used the first compression device in 1835, and after 1930 devices for the treatment of vascular diseases were developed. In 1955 Sampson and Kirby first described a 14-chamber compression massage.

It is a strange thing in the history of medicine that, apart from sports medicine, the deeper consideration of people from an energetic point of view has been neglected for decades.
Our nearly 8 years experiences in using varicose vein glue did not showany allergies in all 2710 sealed truncal varicose veins. By default, we perform regular clinical and ultrasound follow – ups of treated veins. Until now we have not been reported allergic, nor have we found any clinical signs of allergies or allergic symptoms. This affected all treated patients, including those who reported in the preoperative preparation and the discussions about allergies or as a multi- allergy sufferer had a corresponding allergy pass.

SaphenionPatientenInfo Venenkleber – Garantie

SaphenionPatienteninfo Venenkleber – Garantie. Für den Fall eines Therapieversagens bei der Therapie mit kathetergestützten endovenösen minimalinvasiven Therapieverfahren haben die Saphenion Venenzentren in Berlin und Rostock als erste Venenfachpraxen bereits 2010 eine Garantiecard für den effektiven Verschluss von Stammkrampfadern eingeführt. Diese Garantie gilt über 36 Monate ab Behandlungstag und umfasst alle Eingriffe mit dem Radiowellensystem RFITT. Ab 2013 wurde die Garantiecard nach unseren guten Erfahrungen mit dem Venenkleber VenaSeal auch auf dieses Therapieverfahren erweitert.