Saphenion®: Mikroschaumtherapie bei Stammkrampfadern / Update

Die Therapie Klebender Mikroschaum ist eine sehr wirkungsvolle, effektive und preisgünstige Alternative und Ergänzung zu den häufig bei der Stammvaricosis eingesetzten thermischen Katheterverfahren Laser, Radiowelle, Heißdampf, und dem nicht thermischen Venenkleber (VenaSeal®). Damit wird die Mikroschaumtherapie auch für den Einsatz beim kosmetisch anspruchsvollen und auch beim älteren Patienten interessant.
Sealing microfoam therapy is a very effective, efficient and inexpensive alternative and supplement to the thermal catheter procedures frequently used for truncal varicosis, such as laser, radio wave, hot steam and non-thermal vein glue (VenaSeal®). This means that microfoam therapy is also interesting for use in cosmetically demanding and older patients.

Saphenion®: The Endovenous „Saphena“ – Views into the Golden Twenties

Saphenion®: The Endovenous „Saphena“- We will try to give an overview of the historical development of the varicose vein treatment. You will agree after a short time with the words of Minkiewicz  (1862): „Comparative studies of all surgical procedures recommended against varices“ (25) that „the quantity of some healing methods proposed in surgical and therapeutic practice against certain diseases either proves that the former has not yet been sufficiently researched or that the actual healing method is yet to be discovered. This applies to a large extent to varices and the usual „operation methods“ “ and we will try to describe the first therapeutical revolution from radical surgery to the endovenous therapy of varicose veins in the Twenties. We will show our ideas, mistakes, and experiences considering the historical development.

Saphenion®: Berlin a center for vascular surgery

Saphenion®: Berlin a center for vascular surgery – The beginning: The development of vascular surgery on a scientific basis only began in the last third of the 19th. century. It is true that the Greeks, Romans, and Arabia as well as at the time of the European Renaissance carried out experiments on the „blood-carrying tubes of the human being“ and described some therapeutic procedures for hemostasis and removal of dilated veins.
Berlin surgeons made a major contribution to the formation and development of vascular surgery – particularly to the treatment of varicose veins. At the beginning of the 20th century, the city of Berlin began to develop into a center for the new field of „vascular surgery“.