Saphenion® Rostock: Allergie auf Venenkleber?

Saphenion®: Allergie auf Venenkleber? In einigen wenigen Fachkommentaren, Vorträgen und Artikeln von venenchirurgisch tätigen Kollegen wird immer wieder vor der Entstehung einer Allergie auf den beim Venenkleber verwendeten Cyanoacrylates gewarnt.
In a few specialist comments, presentations, and articles by phlebological active colleagues is repeatedly warned against the emergence of an allergy to the cyanoacrylate used in the vein glue.

Saphenion®: long-time results of vein glue

The Saphenion® fact check vein glue for varicose veins: Results from 143 months of vein glue for varicose veins. Our patients are now very well informed about this treatment method – after 143 months of use, we have treated 2124 patients on 4394 truncal veins, the closure rate of the treated veins is 96.18%.